Tuesday, November 13, 2012

When FriendSHIPS Tank

Something I will teach my kids (if I have any) is that everyone is NOT your friend and to be careful about referring to them as such because you might start to believe it. And those who actually become your friends, don't expect them to always be.

I try never to expect anything of anyone because that little thing called "free will" grants them the right to treat you however they want, whenever they want. I've had this experience before with umpteen "friends".

People grow, change, evolve and you can't fault people for growing apart. All we can do is move on. As T.D. Jakes says (paraphrase) "When someone leaves you, let them go." Don't tie your soul to someone who doesn't reciprocate your feelings.

A mistake I made recently was letting memories and missing an old friend convince me to seek them out for that friendship we once had. And sure enough...my heart was trampled on once again. Tis true "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice,shame on me."

Just as is true with exes, bears true with other friendships...Some things are better left alone. After being used and abused I'm learning to take people at face value. That whole Reason|Season|Lifetime thing is true. Everyone is not meant to be a lifelong fixture in your life. Set them and yourself FREE.

Sincerely yours, Fly


  1. The only way to truly teach it to your future children...is to live it ! In other words we must practice what we preach.
