Saturday, June 22, 2013

Has social networking made the world {wide web} a more beautiful place?

So I was thinking the other day about the effects that social networking has had on the world's appearance.  When I attend industry functions, events and lets face it, going out in the everyday world, I take a little more pride in my appearance.  Whether it's opting for the skinnies instead of the sweats when I'm headed to the grocery store, or that full face of makeup instead of just concealer here an there when attending an event. Let's face it, my makeup game has improved tons since I joined facebook and twitter.  Just the thought of being shared and retweeted one looks without any additives is scary to me.  When did all of this forethought make its way into my humble minimalist life?

Maybe it's because I don't have the flawless skin that the Beaute app would lead the untrained eye to believe, or that my barely there eyebrows seem lust worthy after studying Beauty by JJ youtube tutorials.  But it takes a lot more effort, thought, and posing to get a shot that I approve enough to post. Thus making at least my social networking timelines and feeds a more beautiful place.

The thing is, everyone is a Brand now. If you realize it or not, what we put out via social networking is shaping the perception that people have of us.  Now how much of a lie that is, varies.  But you are branding yourself consciously or subconsciously.

My social networking experience goes back to Black Planet in high school, so for 15 years or so, I've willingly plastered my face over social networking.  It seems in the last 4 years social networking has wiggled it's way into the lives of most everyone I know.  Mothers and grandmothers now have accounts.  It's not just for the teenager like it used to be.

All that being said, with all the consciousness that goes into that "perfect" post, which begins with makeup, clothes, and filters, is the world wide web becoming a more beautiful place or just a cover up?  Do you put more thought than you once did( pre social networking days) into your day to day appearance.  Does being photographed/filmed keep your appearance on point at all times?

I'd love to hear your thoughts

1 comment:

  1. For me I was always that overdressed for no reason chica so social networking captures my real life outfits, but for my blog it is harder to take so many shots and choose the ones I think are perfect enough to post whereas back in the day I was tagged in all kinds of drunken, unflattering should have never hit the web photos lolll. I agree tho that especially building a brand you feel a certain pressure to always look camera worthy because you never know who you will see and they just might want to get a picture. On days when I don't feel like makeup I just wear oversized shades and a popping lippie. We have all seen those people that look MUCH better online than in person and it's very tragic.
